hi there!

Important! scroll to the bottom to see my list of english words that i have learned to say in spanish! i wll sort it into three sections. english version of the word, the word in spanish, and the date of which i have learned the word. in the future i may allow emails for information of specific words that i may not learn through my methods, which would be very helpful. at some point i might sort them further into catagories such as people and places or food items and animals, or something like that. for now though i am just going to add some words in a list and have fun learning spanish! i really want to learn more japanese as well, so i may even add a third or fourth language for each word in the future!

my favorite thing ever.

which chex mix do you like more? bold or spicy?

this? yeah.

123 in german, spanish, and english! (list webpage stack test)

English To Spanish!

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